Looking for Wool Dryer Balls in California? We are the wholesale supplier of wool dryer balls in the USA, mostly in California and Utah. We have many online and brick and mortar shops in California and Utah who are buying wool dryer balls for retail purpose. Our pricing is very reasonable for small businesses. If you are an online store selling green and Eco friendly products, then you can add our wool dryer balls to your product line.
Green business in California and Utah have grown over the years. You can count on us for Wholesale supply of Wool Dryer Balls. We help you with custom packaging and branding which will allow you to sell our wool dryer balls under your own brand name. This will help you increase customer retention and brand loyalty. Visit our online shop today to buy your package of Wool Dryer Balls. Click here: http://wooldryerballs.us/shop/

If you want to buy a sample packet of wool dryer balls, you can order it on the right side of this page. We will assure you that you will love our wool dryer balls that are entirely handmade. Your business means a lot to us. Remember, your business is changing someone’s life. Its creating jobs. These Wool Dryer Balls are a way of life for many of our hardworking women.