Wool Dryer Balls Made in New Zealand

Are you new to wool dryer balls? If you are, then you probably have heard that these are New Zealand Wool Dryer Balls. However, the main question here is, are these New Zealand Wool Dryer Balls or Nepal Wool Dryer Balls? The raw wool is from New Zealand (not all?) but the making happens here at our place in Nepal. So, if you probably had a concept that these wool dryer balls are made in New Zealand, these are not. Only the raw wool is sourced from New Zealand and these are made into dryer balls out here in Nepal. We have a production facility where we produce more than 500,000 wool dryer balls a month. New Zealand Wool is considered to be the best in the industry because of the ethical and sustainable business practice. Our wool comes from happy sheep.

So, the confusion about wool dryer balls is now over. Its not New Zealand made wool dryer balls but its wool dryer balls made using New Zealand Wool. Contact us today for wholesale supply.